16/17 | 22: Mission Accomplished (/w I3P)
podcast del 29/09/2017
16/17 | 11: Start to plant in the walls (/w Growing Green)
podcast del 02/06/2017
11/12 | 20
podcast del 10/05/2012
16/17 | 14: Start to Maid (/w Maid for a Day)
podcast del 23/06/2017
16/17 | 15: Start to Real Estate Design (/w Biancorosso & Reopla)
podcast del 30/06/2017
16/18 | 18: Start to summer (w YAMGU & TheWineSider)
podcast del 21/07/2017
16/17 | 16: Start to Manage Music (w/ EvilMozart, Adamo, HitYourTix)
podcast del 07/07/2017
16/17 | 08: Start to fare il filo
podcast del 12/05/2017
16/17 | 04: Immodrone vs. 3Doers ... Start the fight!
podcast del 14/04/2017
14/15 | 09: Archi day!
podcast del 26/06/2015
15/16 | 34: Esami e Eventi
podcast del 22/06/2016
16/17 | 01: New is always better!
podcast del 24/03/2017
16/17 | 20: Start to share payments (w Squeezol)
podcast del 15/09/2017
18/19 | 43: LateNews
podcast del 11/02/2019
18/19 | 13: LateNews
podcast del 19/11/2018
16/17 | 21: Start to Cybersecure (/w Ermes Cyber Security)
podcast del 22/09/2017
18/19 | 24: Intervista della settimana: Scuola dell'imprenditoria (Inventors)
podcast del 14/12/2018
16/17 | 10: Save up energy! Start Now (w Enerbrain)
podcast del 26/05/2017
15/16 | 06: L'informatica della comunicazione architettonica
podcast del 14/04/2016
15/16 | 35: Vacanze all'orizzonte
podcast del 29/06/2016
16/17 | 10: Ricerca Biomedica e Start-Up con Jacopo Secco
podcast del 12/12/2016
16/17 | 15: Non solo Poli e il Lifebilty Award!
podcast del 03/02/2017
16/17 | 06: Chapter 6: Woman & Start Up (w/ Naboomboo & Jojob)
podcast del 28/04/2017
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